An Untitled Piece

[NOTE: I forbid you from liking this piece. That’s right: forbid. And, just in case the idea hasn’t penetrated your thick skull: FORBID.
This is just something I scrawled in the middle of one of Bakra’s boring History classes, so it is hugely subpar.
But I figured, since the rest of my writing was subpar anyways, why not put this up here?
Cheers. ]

Some days, I wake up in the morning, and the sun just seems to be mocking me.
I crawl deeper into the recesses of my blanket, trying to find solace from the wild rays of sunlight, which seemed to be burning my retinas.
But then, my mother ruins everything, causing a ruckus because I hadn’t woken up yet.
I throw the blanket off myself, and get out of bed, cursing every waking moment of the morning light.
Stepping into the shower is a whole new level of torture. The icy cold water is like a sluice of daggers, piercing deeper and deeper into my body, with each drop bringing about a sense of loathing for the rest of the day.
As soon as I get out of the shower, I throw on my uniform, and get to the table for breakfast, feeling a little jumpy. I cram a sandwich into my mouth, force it down my gullet, just for the sake of it, and head to school, where another level of torture awaited me.

Some days, I wake up to the warm rays of the sun, frolicking about on my face.
I snuggle into the blanket, thankful for this beacon of warmth, on this cold January morning.
And then, I hear my mother’s pleasant tones echo from the adjoining room, urging me to get up, lest I be late for school.
I throw myself off the bed, delighted at the prospect of actually reaching home early for once.
Stepping into the shower is a whole new level of bliss. The icy cold water is like a stream of dew, each drop of water refreshing me completely, rejuvenating me from inside-out, and the cold snaps me out of my morning lull.
As soon as I get out of the shower, I put on my uniform, and get to the table for breakfast, with a spring in my step. I gorge on one of my mom’s delicious sandwiches, and head to school, where another day of opportunity awaited me.

That’s perspective for you.